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Price : $307.00 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : ONDA
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Product ID : 05936f19dbda959e5653a06b23c9d132
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Onda V972 9.7inch Allwinner A31 Quad Core Android 4.1 Tablet PC 10Piont Retina display touch capacitive screen HDMI WIFI Camera Description
Onda V972 9.7inch Allwinner A31 Quad Core Android 4.1 Tablet PC 10Piont Retina display touch capacitive screen HDMI WIFI Camera Operating System: Android 4.1
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Onda V972 9.7inch Allwinner A31 Quad Core Android 4.1 Tablet PC 10Piont Retina display touch capacitive screen HDMI WIFI Camera
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$307.00 |