Black Friday Sale Pawtec Signature Mini Dual USB Car Charger 5V 3.1A / 15W High-Speed with Storage Sleeve For Smartphones & Tablets - Apple iPhone 5S 5C 5 4S 4, Android Samsung G Instantly
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Price : $24.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Pawtec
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Product ID : 8a110b166c511b89ff5d3e0c33651c4d
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The item features are exceptional and filled with quality of Pawtec Signature Mini Dual USB Car Charger 5V 3.1A / 15W High-Speed with Storage Sleeve For Smartphones & Tablets - Apple iPhone 5S 5C 5 4S 4, Android Samsung G is the major purpose that allows it one of the item you will really get bought. And, it is also friendly-budget to your pockets too. You could check out the complete item summary and look into awesome deals that have recently been improved through the store using click the web link here. You might possibly search for the very cool deal and you can not reject it, want you get the exceptional deal.
Pawtec Signature Mini Dual USB Car Charger 5V 3.1A / 15W High-Speed with Storage Sleeve For Smartphones & Tablets - Apple iPhone 5S 5C 5 4S 4, Android Samsung G Description
Pawtec Signature Mini Dual USB Car Charger 5V 3.1A / 15W High-Speed with Storage Sleeve For Smartphones & Tablets - Apple iPhone 5S 5C 5 4S 4, Android Samsung Galaxy S5 S4, Note 3 - Black Type: Car Charger Compatible Phone Manufacturer: Apple, Samsung, HTC, Motorola, Nokia, and More Standard USB Port: 2 Output Volt: 5V Output Amp: 3.1A Support Volt: DC 12-18V Specifications: Input: DC 12-18V Output: 15W, DC 5V, 3.1A (2.1A USB Port & 1.0A USB Port) Compact Size: 2.4" x 1.1" x 1.1" Features: High-Speed charging with voltage and overcharge protection.
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