Black Friday Deals 2014 Pomp C6S 5.5 "Android 4.2 3G Smartphone (Octa-Core-CPU, Dual-SIM, WiFi, GPS, Dual-Kamera, 2GB RAM, ROM 32GB) Instantly
If you have to in comparison item functionality and value. The Pomp C6S 5.5 "Android 4.2 3G Smartphone (Octa-Core-CPU, Dual-SIM, WiFi, GPS, Dual-Kamera, 2GB RAM, ROM 32GB) is a nice substitute for get. Hot Offer Pomp C6S 5.5 "Android 4.2 3G Smartphone (Octa-Core-CPU, Dual-SIM, WiFi, GPS, Dual-Kamera, 2GB RAM, ROM 32GB)
Price : $223.49 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand :
Merchant : LightInTheBox
Product ID : faf2c56f6d55e9170ee3cc6769a8c9fd
Rating :
In the case that you are searching to buying item with a top-notch quality and also an affordable price. We strongly suggested this Pomp C6S 5.5 "Android 4.2 3G Smartphone (Octa-Core-CPU, Dual-SIM, WiFi, GPS, Dual-Kamera, 2GB RAM, ROM 32GB) is just one of top-notch and additional popular item product that you are seeking. Even if you examine it carefully about product specification, features and helpful consumer testimonials, obviously you need to not reject to acquire it one. You can check out the up to date price from the link below.
Pomp C6S 5.5 "Android 4.2 3G Smartphone (Octa-Core-CPU, Dual-SIM, WiFi, GPS, Dual-Kamera, 2GB RAM, ROM 32GB) Description
Hardware-Plattform:MT6592; RAM:2GB; ROM:32GB; Kamera:13 MP; Frontkamera:8 MP; SIM-Kartensteckplatz:Dual SIM; Displaygrosse (Zoll) :5.5; Displayauflosung:1920x1080; Displaytyp:IPS; Klingeltonentyp:Polyphone,MP3; FM-Radio:Ja; Stand-by Zeit:Bis zu 150 Stunden; Sprechzeit:Bis zu 7 Stunden; Lanciert:2014-5; Eigenschaften:Full HD,Taschenlampe; Packliste:Stromadapter (110-240V 50/60Hz) ,USB Telefonkabel,verkabelte Stereo Ohrhorer mit eingebauten Mikro und Clip,Mobiltelefon,Ruckseitige Hulle,Geschenkenverpackung Set,Benutzerhandbuch - Englisch; Bildchirmgroe (Zoll) :5.1-5.5; SIM-Kartentyp:Micro-SIM-Karte; Kapazitat (mAh) :3000mAh; CPU Typ:Octa Core; 2G:GSM (850/900/1800/1900MHz) ; 3G:WCDMA (850/2100MHz) ; Marke:POMP; Service:entsperrt; Betriebssystem:Android 4.2; Connectivity:Bluetooth 4.0,Wifi,3G; Messaging:MMS,SMS; Masse/H x B x T:152x77x8.5MM; Farbe:Gelb,Wei,Schwarz; Nettogewicht (kg) :0.166kg; Sprachen:Philipinisch,Malaiisch,Persisch,Indonesisch,Polnisch,Griechisch,Tschechisch,Italienisch,Ungarisch,Deutsch,Portugiesisch,Franzosisch,Englisch,Rumanisch,Chinesisch (traditionell) ,Koreanisch,Vereinfachtes Chinesisch,Hollandisch,Spanisch,Thailandisch,Arabisch,Russisch,Vietnamesisch; Format Unterstutzte:AVI,MP4,3GP,AMR,AWB,SVG,Arm,TGA,WAV,GIF,MP3,BMP,JPEG,RMVB; GPS:GPS; Sensor:Kompass,Annaherungssensor,Licht Sensor,G-Sensor
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Pomp C6S 5.5 "Android 4.2 3G Smartphone (Octa-Core-CPU, Dual-SIM, WiFi, GPS, Dual-Kamera, 2GB RAM, ROM 32GB)
Merchant : LightInTheBox |
$223.49 |