2014 Black Friday Deals PYLE HOME PHST94IPGL Pyle home phst94ipgl 600-watt digital 2 1-channel home theater tower with ipod (r) /iphone (r) /ipad (r
PYLE HOME PHST94IPGL Pyle home phst94ipgl 600-watt digital 2 1-channel home theater tower with ipod (r) /iphone (r) /ipad (r is extremely a very good stuff for a amazing total price, worth every dollar. Really cheerful.
Price : $234.40 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Merchant : Newegg.com
Product ID : eb53749a4548348a0f94af4180ad78e4
Rating :
If you are looking to shopping item at a beneficial top quality along with an affordable deal. We extremely suggested PYLE HOME PHST94IPGL Pyle home phst94ipgl 600-watt digital 2 1-channel home theater tower with ipod (r) /iphone (r) /ipad (r is just one of leading quality and even more well-liked product item that you are trying to find. Even if you examine it very carefully concerning item specification, functions and helpful consumer comments, obviously you should not reject to purchase it one. You can inspect the latest price from the link under here.
![PYLE HOME PHST94IPGL Pyle home phst94ipgl 600-watt digital 2 1-channel home theater tower with ipod (r) /iphone (r) /ipad (r](http://i61.tinypic.com/33lzi81.png)
PYLE HOME PHST94IPGL Pyle home phst94ipgl 600-watt digital 2 1-channel home theater tower with ipod (r) /iphone (r) /ipad (r Description
PYLE HOME PHST94IPGL Pyle home phst94ipgl 600-watt digital 2 1-channel home theater tower with ipod (r) /iphone (r) /ipad (r Features: iPod/iPhone/iPad/MP3/ AUX Input S-Video Output Built-In FM Radio with Memory Alarm Clock Control and Time 2.1 Channel Amplifier Real 2.1 Channel Output Full Function Remote Control Independant Control of Each Channel iPod/iPhone/iPad can be Controlled Through Remote iPod/iPhone/iPad Charged Automatically Touch Key Control System LCD Display Mid Range Driver: dual 3.5 Inch Tweeter: DUal 1.0 inch Subwoofer: 8 inch S/N: 85dB THD: 0.1% Wood Construction w/ Beautiful Exterior Speakers Power Rating: Output Power 600 Watts L (150W x 1) R (150W x 1) Subwoofer (300Wx 1) Speakers Frequency Response: L,R 150Hz-20kHz Subwoofer 50Hz-280Hz Dimensions: 43" x 20.3" x 11" Weight: 41.48 lbs.
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