Black Friday 2014 Deals rooCASE Galaxy Tab 3 8.0 4-Pack Screen Protectors RC-GALX8-TAB3-AGHD
rooCASE Galaxy Tab 3 8.0 4-Pack Screen Protectors RC-GALX8-TAB3-AGHD that you can buy currently, just check current selling prices comparison plus shipping and delivery accessible for help you to get a huge selection. Hot Offer rooCASE Galaxy Tab 3 8.0 4-Pack Screen Protectors RC-GALX8-TAB3-AGHD
Price : $10.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : rooCASE
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Product ID : 2d1392527213499ccc90494e1a9c1034
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The product elements are exceptional and packed with top-notch of rooCASE Galaxy Tab 3 8.0 4-Pack Screen Protectors RC-GALX8-TAB3-AGHD is the weighty purpose that takes it one of the product you shall really get owned. As well as, it is also friendly budget to your pockets too. You could check the full item information and look at amazing offers that have possibly been up-dated through the site using click the hyperlink below. You may purchase the amazing deal and you could not refute it, desire you get the very good deal.
rooCASE Galaxy Tab 3 8.0 4-Pack Screen Protectors RC-GALX8-TAB3-AGHD Description
rooCASE Galaxy Tab 3 8.0 4-Pack Screen Protectors RC-GALX8-TAB3-AGHD Accessory Type: Screen Protector Color: Clear Maximum support size: 8" Features: x2 HD High Definition crystal clear screen protector with 99% clarity for Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 8.0 x2 AG Anti Glare screen protector reduce glare for Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 8.0 (Please note all AG film has a slight matte grainy finish) Easy to maintain and clean - rinse, dry and apply Prevent finger prints, dirt, and scratches Mild adhesive that leaves NO RESIDUE, Washable and Reusable Function: Tablet PC
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rooCASE Galaxy Tab 3 8.0 4-Pack Screen Protectors RC-GALX8-TAB3-AGHD
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$10.99 |