Black Friday Sale Samsung Galaxy Note 8in 16GB Tablet - White Instantly
With the Samsung Galaxy Note 8in 16GB Tablet - White you just begin to see added benefits which will contend with you definitely have, recommended it actually is a good product for value. Hot Offer Samsung Galaxy Note 8in 16GB Tablet - White
Price : $379.00 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Samsung
Merchant : Sam's Club
Product ID : 143693c698e56c2a001d0ef53dbfec8f
Rating :
When you are likely thinking about to paying for product with a really good top quality as well as a sensible budget. We very advised this Samsung Galaxy Note 8in 16GB Tablet - White is just one of premium and more well-liked product item that you are trying to find. Even if you examine it very carefully concerning product specification, attributes and handy consumer testimonials, of program you have to not decline to acquire it one. You could examine the recent price through the link below.
Samsung Galaxy Note 8in 16GB Tablet - White Description
As easy to use as pen and paper, the new Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0 with S-Pen gives you the freedom to express your creativity, naturally. Create handwritten notes, memos, and postcards. Then post, send and save them all on the Android 4.1 Jelly Bean device. Use the S-Pen, edit photos, sketch and unleash your creativity with custom-built Apps. Share handwritten notes, inspirational sketches and annotations to presentations from wherever you are. Quad-core processor, powered by Android 4.1, Jelly Bean, and a built-in microSD Card Slot.
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This Item Available from 1 Store
Image | Item | Price | |
Samsung Galaxy Note 8in 16GB Tablet - White
Merchant : Sam's Club |
$379.00 |