Black Friday Sales 2014 Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 Android 4.2 Dual-Core 1.5GHz 16GB 8" Dual-Camera Tablet PC & Accessories Instantly
Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 Android 4.2 Dual-Core 1.5GHz 16GB 8" Dual-Camera Tablet PC & Accessories available for sale today, only just check out latest selling prices comparison and delivery accessible for help you to get the best offer. Hot Offer Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 Android 4.2 Dual-Core 1.5GHz 16GB 8" Dual-Camera Tablet PC & Accessories
Price : $199.00 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
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Merchant : Nomorerack
Product ID : 20ceae2c75cf7bb09ad2d9c1b2235005
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In the case that you are looking to acquiring item at an extremely good high quality along with an acceptable offer. We very suggested this Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 Android 4.2 Dual-Core 1.5GHz 16GB 8" Dual-Camera Tablet PC & Accessories is just one of top-notch and even more preferred item product that you are trying to find. Also if you examine it thoroughly regarding item detail, features and handy consumer overviews, certainly you need to certainly not refuse to purchase it one. You can check the current price from the hyperlink below.
Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 Android 4.2 Dual-Core 1.5GHz 16GB 8" Dual-Camera Tablet PC & Accessories Description
Samsungs Galaxy Tab 3 8 Tablet is aptly named, as it pretty much puts a galaxy of information, entertainment, and connectivity into your hands in a compact powerhouse package. Running Android 4.2 behind a peppy dual-core 1.5GHz CPU plus 16GB memory, its your ticket to emailing, browsing the web, watching video, video chatting, gaming, reading e-books, or downloading any of the thousands of apps available from Google Play to optimize your Galaxy Tab 3 experience. In addition, thanks to smart remote connectivity, the Galaxy Tab 3 can be used as a universal remote to operate nearly any TV or DVR. Samsung apps offers advanced features, including the ability to share content wirelessly between the tablet and TV, and interacts seamlessly with Samsung Smart TVs. Thats just the beginning of all the sweet features youll find in this Galaxy, and youll almost certainly agree this is handheld computing at its best Grab this great deal and have your Galaxy Tab 3 on its way today, and with it youll receive a Belkin wireless keyboard case, screen cleaning kit, and a 2-in-1 stylus pen! Want to know more? Refurbished 90-day suppliers warranty Model T3100ZWSXAR Android 4.2 OS 1.5GHz dual-core processor 16GB flash memory; SD card support to 64GB (card not included) 1.5GB RAM 8 WXGA TFT 1280 x 800 display with touchscreen operation 3 stylus pens included for optimum touchscreen operation; colors chosen at random Wi-Fi: 802.11 b/g/n 1.3MP front and 5MP rear cameras Bluetooth v4.0 Micro USB HDMI Headphone jack Preloaded apps include Google Play, YouTube, AllShare Play, Dropbox, ChatOn, Chrome, Flipboard, Google+, Group Play, Music Hub, Paper Artist, Polaris Office, S Planner, S Voice, Samsung Apps, Smart Remote (Peel) , Trip Advisor and more 1600MHz lithium ion rechargeable battery; 6 hours operation time Weighs 10.9oz Measures 0.3 D Brand new Belkin wireless keyboard folio (Model: F5L112tt) comes with a 1-year manufacturers warranty Whats in the box? Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 8" tablet USB charging cable Wall adapter Belkin wireless keyboard folio with stand function Screen cleaning kit 2-in-1 stylus and ink pen
Among the highly useful things you have to carry out even before you make a decision to buy Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 Android 4.2 Dual-Core 1.5GHz 16GB 8" Dual-Camera Tablet PC & Accessories is in order to research consumer evaluations in regard to this item through authentic customers. To view how they have a remark regarding this item, what is their amazed and not satisfied with this item. In this way you will know that are you want this item really, All that is vital information that you should not pass.
This Item Available from 1 Store
Image | Item | Price | |
Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 Android 4.2 Dual-Core 1.5GHz 16GB 8" Dual-Camera Tablet PC & Accessories
Merchant : Nomorerack |
$199.00 |