Black Friday 2014 Deals "Samsung Samsung Galaxy Note PRO 12.2"" Quad-Core 64GB Tablet with App Bundle - Black"
"Samsung Samsung Galaxy Note PRO 12.2"" Quad-Core 64GB Tablet with App Bundle - Black" accessible for sale right now, absolutely discover the latest prices comparison and delivery accessible to get you the hottest deal. Hot Deal "Samsung Samsung Galaxy Note PRO 12.2"" Quad-Core 64GB Tablet with App Bundle - Black"
Price : $1108.95 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Samsung
Merchant : HSN
Product ID : cdb95fe2c2ae459d62e22e5382ab52a2
Rating :
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"Samsung Samsung Galaxy Note PRO 12.2"" Quad-Core 64GB Tablet with App Bundle - Black" Description
"Samsung Galaxy Note PRO 12.2"" Quad-Core 64GB Tablet with App Bundle What could be better than owning a Galaxy Note? Owning a bigger Galaxy Note. The Samsung Galaxy Note PRO features a gorgeous 12.2"" display, upgraded business essentials and preloaded apps designed to bring you big entertainment on an even bigger screen. Enjoy the freedom to express creative ideas, increase your productivity, play and interact like never before. And since the Galaxy Note PRO comes with the latest Android KitKat operating system and quad-core processor, you'll get the supreme tablet experience you've always dreamed about. What You Get Samsung Galaxy Note PRO 64GB tablet S Pen stylus AC charge adapter Quick start guide Bundled Goodies Family App Suite download voucher Good to Know"
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"Samsung Samsung Galaxy Note PRO 12.2"" Quad-Core 64GB Tablet with App Bundle - Black"
Merchant : HSN |
$1108.95 |