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Price : $836.95 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Samsung
Merchant : HSN
Product ID : 42f37466b42ce95bc5f6b7eb95b92ddb
Rating :
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"Samsung Samsung Galaxy TabPRO 12.2"" Quad-Core 32GB Tablet with App Bundle - White" Description
"Samsung Galaxy TabPRO 12.2"" Quad-Core 32GB Tablet with App Bundle The Samsung Galaxy TabPRO features a gorgeous 12.2"" display, upgraded business essentials and preloaded apps designed to bring you big entertainment on an even bigger screen. Enjoy the freedom to express creative ideas, increase your productivity, play and interact like never before. And since the Galaxy TabPRO comes with the latest Android KitKat operating system and quad-core processor, you'll get the supreme tablet experience you've always dreamed about. What You Get Samsung Galaxy TabPRO 32GB tablet AC charge adapter Quick start guide Bundled Goodies Family App Suite download voucher Good to Know"
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"Samsung Samsung Galaxy TabPRO 12.2"" Quad-Core 32GB Tablet with App Bundle - White"
Merchant : HSN |
$836.95 |