2014 Black Friday Deals SANEI G706 7" Android 4.2 3G Phone Tablet (Quad Core,Flashlight,Dual Camera,GPS,WiFi,RAM 1GBROM 8GB) Don't Miss
With this SANEI G706 7" Android 4.2 3G Phone Tablet (Quad Core,Flashlight,Dual Camera,GPS,WiFi,RAM 1GBROM 8GB) you only just watch the positive aspects which match you really need, immensely important it's actually a good product for value. Hot Deal SANEI G706 7" Android 4.2 3G Phone Tablet (Quad Core,Flashlight,Dual Camera,GPS,WiFi,RAM 1GBROM 8GB)
Price : $109.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
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Merchant : LightInTheBox
Product ID : d1e9fca60b9f46c7a45ba58af81cc9a5
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The product attributes are superb and fulled of quality of SANEI G706 7" Android 4.2 3G Phone Tablet (Quad Core,Flashlight,Dual Camera,GPS,WiFi,RAM 1GBROM 8GB) is the main purpose that allows it one of the item you may acquire bought. And also, it is as well friendly-budget to your budgets too. You can look the complete item description and look into extra promos that have really been upgraded coming from the shop through click the link here. You can select the very cool offer and you can not deny it, wish you have the exceptional price.
SANEI G706 7" Android 4.2 3G Phone Tablet (Quad Core,Flashlight,Dual Camera,GPS,WiFi,RAM 1GBROM 8GB) Description
Operating System:Android 4.2; Display Diagonal Size:7 Inch; Max Resolution:1024600; Display Technology:5-POINT touch; Processor Model:MTK8382; Number of Cores:Quad Core; Processor Clock Speed:1.3GHz; RAM:1GB; ROM:8GB; Support Extend Card:64GB; Front Camera:2 MP; Back Camera:5 MP; Ports:Earphone Jack,TF Card slot,SIM Card Slot,Micro USB; Audio/Video:Built-in microphone,Built-in high quality louder Speakers,3.5mm earphone; Networking / Data Link Protocol:2G,Bluetooth,3G,WiFi; Other Features:G Sensor,Phone,GPS; Battery Capacity:2550mAh; Video:DAT,MJPG,MPEG,MKV,MOV,WMV,FLV,RM/RMVB,PMP,AVI,ASF,MP4,MPG,3GP; Audio:WAV,M4A,FLAC,AAC,ACC,AWB,MP2,ARM,OGG,MP3,WMA,APE,3GP; Picture:GIF,BMP,JPEG,PNG,JPG,CDR,PSD,TGA; Ebook:CHM,BRM,JAVA,WMLC,PDF,TXT; Languages:Italian,Japanese,Simplified Chinese,German,Ukrainian,English,Arabic,French,Thai,Vietnamese,Romanian,Svenska,Malay,Korean,Slovenian,Indonesian,Spanish,Netherlands,Danish,Russian,Magyar,Greek,Polish,Hebrew,Turkish,Slovak,Dutch,Swedish,Czech,Chinese,Norwegian,Portuguese,Traditional Chinese; Dimensions (LxWxH) (mm) :191.81089.5 mm; Net Weight (g) :241g; Packing List:1O Tablet to USB cable,1O Unit gift packing box,1O Leather back cover,1O Wired stereo earphones with built-in MIC and clip,1O User manual - English,1O Tablet
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SANEI G706 7" Android 4.2 3G Phone Tablet (Quad Core,Flashlight,Dual Camera,GPS,WiFi,RAM 1GBROM 8GB)
Merchant : LightInTheBox |
$109.99 |