Black Friday 2014 Deals Sea Gull Lighting 69152BLE-962 - Nexus Pendant Two-Light Brushed Nickel Finis Don't Miss
If you should compared device benefits and value. The Sea Gull Lighting 69152BLE-962 - Nexus Pendant Two-Light Brushed Nickel Finis is a good choice to decide to buy. Hot Offer Sea Gull Lighting 69152BLE-962 - Nexus Pendant Two-Light Brushed Nickel Finis
Price : $530.00 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Sea Gull Lighting
Merchant : eFaucets
Product ID : 53643c701c4663493a3e3bb40fd2c76b
Rating :
The item features are outstanding and packed with high quality of Sea Gull Lighting 69152BLE-962 - Nexus Pendant Two-Light Brushed Nickel Finis is the main factor that takes it one of the product you will certainly get owned. Plus, it is also friendly-budget to your pockets also. You can find the complete item explanation and visit special promos that have probably been improved coming from the shop via click the link below. You might possibly select the stimulating offer and you could not deny it, desire you have the wonderful price.
Sea Gull Lighting 69152BLE-962 - Nexus Pendant Two-Light Brushed Nickel Finis Description
Sea Gull Lighting 69152BLE-962Nexus Pendant Two-Light Brushed Nickel FinisCollection: NexusCategory: Fluorescent PendantNumber of Bulbs: 2Dimensions: D:25 3/4with " H:24 3/4with "UL Listing: UL DrycUL Listing: cUL Dry
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This Item Available from 1 Store
Image | Item | Price | |
Sea Gull Lighting 69152BLE-962 - Nexus Pendant Two-Light Brushed Nickel Finis
Merchant : eFaucets |
$530.00 |