2014 Black Friday Deals Supermicro SuperServer 1027R-WRF Barebone System - 1U Rack-mountable - Intel C602 Chipset - Socket R LGA-2011 - 2 x Processor Support - Black Right Now
Supermicro SuperServer 1027R-WRF Barebone System - 1U Rack-mountable - Intel C602 Chipset - Socket R LGA-2011 - 2 x Processor Support - Black is definitely a beneficial stuff with a excellent price, worth every dollar. Extremely satisfied.
Price : $1266.25 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Supermicro
Merchant : Office Depot
Product ID : ba280879a7a9e72cfe71ee27d45d8c14
Rating :

The product features are excellent and fulled of top quality of Supermicro SuperServer 1027R-WRF Barebone System - 1U Rack-mountable - Intel C602 Chipset - Socket R LGA-2011 - 2 x Processor Support - Black is the main factor that allows it among the product you will obtain had. As well as, it is usually friendly-budget to your wallets too. You could watch the full item summary and look at excellent advertisings that have already been up-dated directly from the store via click the hyperlink below. You can select the exciting offer and you can not reject it, want you have the awesome offer.

Supermicro SuperServer 1027R-WRF Barebone System - 1U Rack-mountable - Intel C602 Chipset - Socket R LGA-2011 - 2 x Processor Support - Black Description
Designed for optimal performance, the dual-processor SuperServers support the QPI (8.0GT/s) format Xeon processor E5-2600 family in a high-density 1U form-factor. These SuperServers are ideal for network infrastructure, front-end enterprise, and minimal-downtime cluster server systems.Package Contents:; SuperServer 1027R-WRF; 1 x Super X9DRW-iF Motherboard; 1 x 1U Chassis; 1 x BPN-SAS-113TQ-O-P Backplane; 1 x 70/60/50/50CM, W/ 70CM SB, RA ,30AWG; 1 x 30AWG Ipass to 4SATA 90/90/70/70CM W/ 70CM SB, RA; 1 x Driver CD for X9 Series; 1 x RSC-R1UW-2E16-O-P Riser Card; 2 x 1U Passive CPU Heat Sink for X9 Generation Motherboards w/ Narrow ILM; 2 x 1U REDUNDANT PWS PMBUS GOLD EFFICIENCY 54.5MM Supermicro SuperServer 1027R-WRF Barebone System - 1U Rack-mountable - Intel C602 Chipset - Socket R LGA-2011 - 2 x Processor Support - Black is one of many available through Office Depot. Made by Supermicro.
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