Black Friday 2014 Ads Targus Screen Protector for Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 7 inch AWV1256US Right Now
Targus Screen Protector for Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 7 inch AWV1256US is actually a very good items at the incredibly good selling price, worth every dollar. Actually pleased.
Price : $29.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Targus
Merchant :
Product ID : 49f348012ed0224ddf1012d1e006d761
Rating :
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![Targus Screen Protector for Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 7 inch AWV1256US](
Targus Screen Protector for Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 7 inch AWV1256US Description
Targus Screen Protector for Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 7 inch AWV1256US Accessory Type: Screen Protector Color: Clear Maximum support size: 7" Features: Fingerprint Resistant Scratch Resistant Smudge Resistant Bubble-free Anti-glare Compatibility: Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 7" Tablet PC
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