2014 Black Friday Thermaltake USB HUB with Ethernet Adapter Ultra X (AC0038) Instantly
Thermaltake USB HUB with Ethernet Adapter Ultra X (AC0038) is extremely an incredibly good gadgets at the amazing total price, worth every cent. Totally satisfied. Hot Deal Thermaltake USB HUB with Ethernet Adapter Ultra X (AC0038)
Price : $32.50 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Thermaltake
Merchant : Newegg.com
Product ID : 5e49b9d78cb9e436ccc8b5af64607888
Rating :
In the event that you are really looking to acquiring item with an excellent quality as well as a reasonable budget plan. We very suggested this Thermaltake USB HUB with Ethernet Adapter Ultra X (AC0038) is among premium and more well-liked product item that you are looking for. Even if you learn it carefully concerning item detail, functions and useful customer overviews, naturally you have to certainly not refuse to purchase it one. You can check out the current price from the web link here.
Thermaltake USB HUB with Ethernet Adapter Ultra X (AC0038) Description
Thermaltake USB HUB with Ethernet Adapter Ultra X (AC0038) Accessory Type: Hub Color: Silver Specifications: Dimension: 8.66" x 1.65" x 0.47" Weight: 50g Material: Plastic Cable Length: 5.67" Connector: USB2.0 x 4, RJ45 Port x 1 Features: Perfect match for laptop users Thermaltake UltraX allows users to connect to the internet easily through the built-in USB port on the laptop or gaming console. The Ultra X is an ideal solution with the slim and multi-functional design which saves valuable space and extremely easy to carry for computers that may have wireless built-in but don't come with an Ethernet port. A combination of a 10/100M Ethernet adapter and an integrated standard 4-port USB hub in an all in one ready to use device. Featuring plug-and-play, this USB/Ethernet adapter requires no complicated installing procedures. UltraX can likewise seamlessly function under Microsoft Win...
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