Black Friday Deals 2014 Toshiba Thrive 7 AT1S0 16GB 7in HD Android Tablet - Black

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Toshiba Thrive 7 AT1S0 16GB 7in HD Android Tablet - Black

Hot Deal Toshiba Thrive 7 AT1S0 16GB 7in HD Android Tablet - Black
Price : $279.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand :
Merchant : CowBoom
Product ID : 62ebed6109dc6f2e9b1a21eb5c7912d1
Rating :

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Toshiba Thrive 7 AT1S0 16GB 7in HD Android Tablet - Black

Toshiba Thrive 7 AT1S0 16GB 7in HD Android Tablet - Black Description

Toshiba AT1S0 16GB 7in HD Android Tablet - BlackSpecificationsCamera resolution (megapixels) 5Geotagging YesDisplayScreen resolution 1280x800Screen size 7inDisplay technology LED-backlit LCDTouch screen CapacitiveAccelerometer YesGeneralColor BlackGPS receiver YesMailMessaging capabilities E-mailMicrosoft Exchange support YesAttachment editing YesAttachment viewing YesMemoryRAM 1GBMultimediaVideo playback YesMusic playback YesPowerBattery type RechargeablePower supply BatteryProcessorProcessor s

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Toshiba Thrive 7 AT1S0 16GB 7in HD Android Tablet - Black
Merchant : CowBoom
price as of : 2014-11-09