Black Friday Ads 2014 Toto ABR794T#12N Sedona Beige Nexus Nexus 71-3/8" Acrylic Air Bathtub for Deck Mounted or Drop-In Installation with Center Drain and Left Blower ABR794T Don't Miss
When you have to in comparison item characteristics and value. This Toto ABR794T#12N Sedona Beige Nexus Nexus 71-3/8" Acrylic Air Bathtub for Deck Mounted or Drop-In Installation with Center Drain and Left Blower ABR794T is the perfect substitute for actually buy. Hot Deal Toto ABR794T#12N Sedona Beige Nexus Nexus 71-3/8" Acrylic Air Bathtub for Deck Mounted or Drop-In Installation with Center Drain and Left Blower ABR794T
Price : $2667.00 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Toto
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Product ID : 621f571e31a74b4bb9ab3941157a170d
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The product functions are excellent and loadeded with excellent of Toto ABR794T#12N Sedona Beige Nexus Nexus 71-3/8" Acrylic Air Bathtub for Deck Mounted or Drop-In Installation with Center Drain and Left Blower ABR794T is the key purpose that takes it one of the product you would obtain bought. And also, it is additionally friendly-budget to your pockets also. You could check out the full product specification and look into great advertisings that have possibly been improved from the shop via click the link below. You may get the stimulating offer and you could not deny it, wish you get the wonderful offer.
Toto ABR794T#12N Sedona Beige Nexus Nexus 71-3/8" Acrylic Air Bathtub for Deck Mounted or Drop-In Installation with Center Drain and Left Blower ABR794T Description
Product Features:Toto tubs are fully covered under warranty for up to a year after installationTub constructed of acrylicAir bath - heated air injection system gives the user a unique, relaxing bathing experiencePulsating massage setting alternates between high and low air injection intensity levelsOscillating massage setting alternates between each air injection intensity levelBlower controls feature a final purge and drying cycle that cleans each air jetDeck mounted or drop-in installation typeA textured slip-resistant bottom takes the worry out of slipping and sliding as you move about the tubEquipped with an overflow assembly permitting the user to enjoy a deep soak without worrying about spillageProduct Meet or Exceeds the Following Codes/Standards: UPC and AMSEProduct Technologies:Material - Acrylic: A strong, flex resistant material with a smooth finish that resists chipping and cracking, as well as being easy to clean.Air Injection: Air injection technology pushes air through airjets positioned along the perimeter of the bath, creating thousands of bubbles for a range of physical and visual sensations. Air Injection tubs offer a more invigorating experience over standard effervescence technology.Chromatherapy LED Lighting: Chromatherapy LED Lighting technology gives a unique look and feel to Toto bath tubs. Bright multi-colored lights not only provide additional safety by lighting every surface of the tub, they also can set the mood for any situation. Take bathing to the next level with Toto Chromatherapy LED Lighting technology.Product Specification:Overall Height: 24-3/16" (measured from the top of tub rim to the bottom of basin) Overall Width: 35-7/16" (measured fro
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