Black Friday Deals 2014 Transformer Book T100ta-C1-Gr (S) Net-Tablet Pc 90NB0451M06100 Right Now
With Transformer Book T100ta-C1-Gr (S) Net-Tablet Pc 90NB0451M06100 you just recently look into the extra benefits that come in contact with you requirement, suggested it is usually a good product for value.
Price : $411.00 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Asus
Merchant : CompSource
Product ID : cbb0ad15a6b6f94231424f2f49fc995c
Rating :

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Transformer Book T100ta-C1-Gr (S) Net-Tablet Pc 90NB0451M06100 Description
Asus Transformer Book T100ta-C1-Gr (S) Net-Tablet Pc - 10.1 - In-Plane Switching (Ips) Technology - Wireless Lan - Intel Atom Z3775 1.46 Ghz - Gray - 2 Gb Ram - 64 Gb Ssd - Windows 8.1 - Hybrid - 1366 X 768 Multi-Touch Screen Display - Bluetooth"
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