Black Friday Sales Tripp Lite SmartRack 18U Extra Depth Rack Enclosure Cabinet Right Now
When you have to in comparison product functionality and cost. This Tripp Lite SmartRack 18U Extra Depth Rack Enclosure Cabinet is the perfect substitute for shop for.
Price : $1044.00 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Tripp Lite
Merchant : Office Depot
Product ID : 74bb56038da43e32cab874efd60189ec
Rating :
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Tripp Lite SmartRack 18U Extra Depth Rack Enclosure Cabinet Description
Tripp Lite's SR18UB premium SmartRack 18U Enclosure Cabinet is packed with features designed to simplify rack equipment installations and rack equipment maintenance: top and bottom cable routing ports, perforated door and side panels to promote efficient airflow, adjustable vertical mounting rails and more. And as part of the SmartRack family, the SR18UB is compatible with Tripp Lite's extensive range of rackmount accessories, enabling you to customize your solution to meet any requirement. The SR18UB ships fully assembled for quick installation and comes with a 5-year warranty.Package Contents:; SmartRack 18U Extra Depth Rack Enclosure Cabinet; 42 x M6 screws; 42 x M6 cage nuts; 42 x M6 washers; 4 x Casters; 4 x Levelers; 2 x keys; Owner's Manual Tripp Lite SmartRack 18U Extra Depth Rack Enclosure Cabinet is one of many Server Racks/Mounts available through Office Depot. Made by Tripp Lite.
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