Black Friday Deals 2014 Tripp Lite Surge 1 Outlet 120V USB Charger Tablet Smartphone Ipad Iph Instantly
Tripp Lite Surge 1 Outlet 120V USB Charger Tablet Smartphone Ipad Iph is very nice on exactly what it really does. Help you save time and money through buy at responsible online merchants. Hot Deal Tripp Lite Surge 1 Outlet 120V USB Charger Tablet Smartphone Ipad Iph
Price : $20.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Tripp Lite
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Product ID : 86041152e92b25cdd6769ba21bbbb394
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In the case that you are really considering to buying product with an awesome top quality and also an acceptable spending plan. We very suggested this Tripp Lite Surge 1 Outlet 120V USB Charger Tablet Smartphone Ipad Iph is just one of top-notch and even more well-liked item item that you are seeking. Also if you research it thoroughly regarding item specification, attributes and useful customer assessments, naturally you must certainly not decline to get it one. You could take a look at the up-to-date price via the web link under here.
Tripp Lite Surge 1 Outlet 120V USB Charger Tablet Smartphone Ipad Iph Description
The SK10USB surge suppressor offers reliable surge and line noise protection. The compact direct plug-in design allows for easy portability and features 1 outlets and 1080 joules of surge energy absorption. Diagnostic LED alerts you to potential wiring or protection faults before connected equipment is damaged. 2 USB ports with 2.4 amp total USB charging offer fast charging for smartphones, tablets, MP3 players and other portable devices. $5,000 Ultimate Lifetime Insurance (USA & Canada only) . Manufacturer: Tripp Lite Manufacturer Part Number: SK10USB Manufacturer Website Address: Brand Name: Tripp Lite Product Line: Protect It! Product Model: SK10USB Product Name: SK10USB Surge Suppressor Product Type: Surge Suppressor/Protector Technical Information: Plug/Connector Type: NEMA 5-15P Technical Information: Receptacles: USB Warranty: Limited Warranty: Lifetime
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