Black Friday Sale Tumi Prism - Tumi Leather Snap Case for Mini Tablet (Fuchsia) Computer Bags
With Tumi Prism - Tumi Leather Snap Case for Mini Tablet (Fuchsia) Computer Bags you certainly check out the positive aspects that will come in contact with you are required, strongly suggested it really is a good product for value.
Price : $95.00 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Tumi
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Product ID : 9f85e215c776fc1ab11d070f98351cdb
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In the event that you are really looking to getting product at a fantastic quality including a reasonable budget plan. We highly suggested Tumi Prism - Tumi Leather Snap Case for Mini Tablet (Fuchsia) Computer Bags is just one of top quality and even more well-liked item item that you are trying to find. Even if you research it carefully about item detail, attributes and practical customer overviews, naturally you have to certainly not refuse to get it one. You could check the up to date price via the link below.
![Tumi Prism - Tumi Leather Snap Case for Mini Tablet (Fuchsia) Computer Bags](
Tumi Prism - Tumi Leather Snap Case for Mini Tablet (Fuchsia) Computer Bags Description
The Leather Snap Case for iPad Mini is part of the Tumi Prism Collection.Case can accommodate an iPad Mini or other similarly-sized eReaders or tablets.Made of genuine leather.It functions as a portfolio-style case cover, and also folds into an easel so that you can work from virtually anywhere.Protective snap closure with elastic band.Cover includes hidden magnetic activation that puts your device into sleep mode when it is closed; opening the cover automatically restarts your device.Faux suede interior lining helps protect sceen.Imported. Measurements:Bottom Width: 5 1 2 inDepth: 1 2 inHeight: 8 inWeight: 6 oz
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