Black Friday 2014 U Natural Hydration 0306571 Vitamin plus Electrolyte Enhanced Drink Tabs, Goji Berry Green Tea, 16 Tablets - Case of 8 - Instantly
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Price : $72.19 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : U Natural Hydration
Merchant : Walmart
Product ID : bcfec033043e165c1f0c4186628b83ae
Rating :
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U Natural Hydration 0306571 Vitamin plus Electrolyte Enhanced Drink Tabs, Goji Berry Green Tea, 16 Tablets - Case of 8 - Description
We wanted a drink for our active lives- That goes with us- With less waste- A way to hydrate naturally and put back a little of what life takes out- Something light, low calorie and delicious with vitamins + electrolytes- So we made it- And we called it "U"- All Natural Beverage Supplement from the People at Nuun- SKU: NEW13516
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This Item Available from 1 Store
Image | Item | Price | |
U Natural Hydration 0306571 Vitamin plus Electrolyte Enhanced Drink Tabs, Goji Berry Green Tea, 16 Tablets - Case of 8 -
Merchant : Walmart |
$72.19 |