Black Friday Deals Victorinox Swiss Army 32341401 Lexicon 15-3/5" Expandable Laptop Tote with Tablet /eReader Pocket
Victorinox Swiss Army 32341401 Lexicon 15-3/5" Expandable Laptop Tote with Tablet /eReader Pocket is truly excellent at what it totally does. Enable you to save money and time via buy at trusted online sites. Hot Offer Victorinox Swiss Army 32341401 Lexicon 15-3/5" Expandable Laptop Tote with Tablet /eReader Pocket
Price : $229.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Victorinox Swiss Army
Merchant : HomeClick
Product ID : 827121ddf92e9a07954226121d8f2825
Rating :
In case that you are likely looking to purchasing item at a really good top quality and an acceptable price. We highly advised this Victorinox Swiss Army 32341401 Lexicon 15-3/5" Expandable Laptop Tote with Tablet /eReader Pocket is just one of top-notch and even more well-liked item product that you are seeking. Also if you examine it meticulously concerning product information, functions and practical consumer assessments, certainly you should not decline to buy it one. You could inspect the latest price through the link here.
Victorinox Swiss Army 32341401 Lexicon 15-3/5" Expandable Laptop Tote with Tablet /eReader Pocket Description
This expandable laptop tote is the perfect business carry-on Front zippered pocket contains padded protection for up to a 15.6" (40 cm) laptop and an iPad, Kindle, tablet or other eReader Spacious main packing area expands 3" (8 cm) for additional packing capacity Rear pocket converts to a sleeve for sliding over wheeled handle systems Removable, adjustable padded shoulder strap Integrated slide-out ID tag for security and convenience Lockable YKK Racquet Coil zippers provide superior burst strength Travel Sentry Approved luggage lock secures belongings while in transit and allows TSA screeners to open the lock without destroying it, and relock it after inspection The Access Lock Combination Recovery Program allows you to register your lock combination on and recover it if it is ever forgotten Swiss Tracker Bag Tracking Program will reunite you with your bag anywhere in the world should it ever be lost - for free Covered by the Global Lifetime Plus Limited WarrantyColor: Black Depth: 7 Height: 13 Material: Proprietary Tourmax Ballistic Nylon Meets Most International Carry-on Regulations: Yes Meets Most U.S. Carry-on Regulations: Yes Weight: 2.8 lb Wheels: Non-Wheeled Width: 19-1 4
If you are uncertain on whether to purchase Victorinox Swiss Army 32341401 Lexicon 15-3/5" Expandable Laptop Tote with Tablet /eReader Pocket or otherwise, the way to assist you decide this difficulty is to study several customer reviews of this item. Check out a number of reviews to discover whether it is an item that satisfies your exact demands or just what this product could provide you some truly helpful or are you can forgot some disadvantages of it. So all of that provide you get a purchase with a great factor and worth the money you pay.
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Victorinox Swiss Army 32341401 Lexicon 15-3/5" Expandable Laptop Tote with Tablet /eReader Pocket
Merchant : HomeClick |
$229.99 |