Black Friday 2014 Deals Wyse P45 Zero Client - Teradici Tera2140 Review
In general this Wyse P45 Zero Client - Teradici Tera2140 is very well designed, functions amazingly, I probably notice the order might be worth the extra money.
Price : $849.00 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Wyse
Merchant : Office Depot
Product ID : 1d1798ac4f3795ef597e41e78524e84c
Rating :
The product features are excellent and packed with high quality of Wyse P45 Zero Client - Teradici Tera2140 is the important purpose that makes it among the item you shall get bought. And, it is additionally friendly budget to your budgets as well. You could discover the full product explanation and have a look at awesome deals that have been upgraded through the store via click the link below. You may possibly select the stimulating offer and you can not reject it, want you get the amazing price.
![Wyse P45 Zero Client - Teradici Tera2140](
Wyse P45 Zero Client - Teradici Tera2140 Description
Experience uncompromised computing with the benefits of secure, centralized management. The Dell Wyse P45 PCoIP zero client for VMware View is a secure, easily managed zero client that provides outstanding graphics performance for advanced applications such as CAD, 3D solids modeling, video editing and advanced worker-level office productivity applications. About the size of a notebook, this dedicated zero client designed specifically for VMware View. It features the latest processor technology from Teradici to process the PCoIP protocol in silicon and includes client-side content caching to deliver the highest level of display performance available over 4 HD displays in a compact, energy-efficient form factor. The Dell Wyse P45 delivers a rich user experience while resolving the challenges of provisioning, managing, maintaining and securing enterprise desktops.Package Contents:; P45 Zero Client; Mouse; Vertical Feet; Power Adapter Wyse P45 Zero Client - Teradici Tera2140 is one of many available through Office Depot. Made by Wyse.
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