Black Friday Deals xiaomi mi3 5.0 "Android 4.2 3G-Smartphone (2,3 GHz Quad-Core, 2gb ram, gps, 1080p, 13mp-Kamera) Review
xiaomi mi3 5.0 "Android 4.2 3G-Smartphone (2,3 GHz Quad-Core, 2gb ram, gps, 1080p, 13mp-Kamera) available on the market now, really look at most current selling prices comparison coupled with shipping accessible for assist you in getting the best offer. Hot Deal xiaomi mi3 5.0 "Android 4.2 3G-Smartphone (2,3 GHz Quad-Core, 2gb ram, gps, 1080p, 13mp-Kamera)
Price : $330.16 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand :
Merchant : LightInTheBox
Product ID : 386e0d2442b4c38717333f4d7db31720
Rating :
In the event that you are considering to getting item at a fantastic high quality and a sensible deal. We very suggested this xiaomi mi3 5.0 "Android 4.2 3G-Smartphone (2,3 GHz Quad-Core, 2gb ram, gps, 1080p, 13mp-Kamera) is among top high quality and even more preferred item item that you are looking for. Also if you learn it carefully concerning product description, attributes and helpful consumer assessments, certainly you need to not decline to buy it one. You could examine the present price via the link here.
xiaomi mi3 5.0 "Android 4.2 3G-Smartphone (2,3 GHz Quad-Core, 2gb ram, gps, 1080p, 13mp-Kamera) Description
Hardware-Plattform:Tegra 4; RAM:2GB; ROM:16GB; Kamera:13 MP,Dual-Kamera; Frontkamera:2 MP; SIM-Kartensteckplatz:Single SIM; Displaygrosse (Zoll) :5.0; Displayauflosung:1920x1080; Displaytyp:IPS; Klingeltonentyp:MP3,Polyphone; FM-Radio:Ja; Stand-by Zeit:Bis zu 150 Stunden; Sprechzeit:Bis zu 3 Stunden; Lanciert:2013-9; Eigenschaften:Ultra dunn,Long Standby,Taschenlampe; Packliste:Benutzerhandbuch - Englisch,USB Telefonkabel,Wiederaufladbare Li-ion Batterie,Mobiltelefon; Bildchirmgroe (Zoll) :4.6-5.0; SIM-Kartentyp:Micro-SIM-Karte; Kapazitat (mAh) :3050mAh; CPU Typ:Quad Core; 2G:GSM (850/900/1800/1900MHz) ; 3G:WCDMA (850/1900/2100MHz) ; Marke:XIAOMI; Service:entsperrt; Betriebssystem:Android 4.2; Connectivity:Bluetooth 4.0,Wifi,3G; Messaging:SMS,MMS; Masse/H x B x T:15x10x5; Farbe:Silber; Nettogewicht (kg) :0.145; Sprachen:Ungarisch,Chinesisch,Rumanisch,Portugiesisch,Arabisch,Koreanisch,Japanisch,Vietnamesisch,Bulgarisch,Englisch,Indonesisch,Spanisch,Chinesisch (traditionell) ,Griechisch,Russisch,Vereinfachtes Chinesisch,Turkisch,Philipinisch,Thailandisch,Schwedisch,Persisch,Norwegisch,Polnisch,Italienisch,Slowakisch,Deutsch,Tschechisch,Hollandisch,Franzosisch; Format Unterstutzte:JPEG,UMD,RMVB,TXT,AVI,PDF,MP4,PNG,3GP,CDR,AMR,PSD,AWB,SVG,Arm,TGA,WAV,GIF,MP3,BRM,BMP,JAVA; GPS:GPS; Sensor:Licht Sensor,G-Sensor
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This Item Available from 1 Store
Image | Item | Price | |
xiaomi mi3 5.0 "Android 4.2 3G-Smartphone (2,3 GHz Quad-Core, 2gb ram, gps, 1080p, 13mp-Kamera)
Merchant : LightInTheBox |
$330.16 |