2014 Black Friday Acer Iconia Tab A1-830 Android Tablet ? 7.9? Touchscreen 1GB RAM Intel Dual Core 16GB Storage (A1-830-1633) Instantly
Acer Iconia Tab A1-830 Android Tablet ? 7.9? Touchscreen 1GB RAM Intel Dual Core 16GB Storage (A1-830-1633) available now, absolutely look at most current selling prices comparison coupled with shipping and delivery suitable for help you to get the hottest deal. Hot Offer Acer Iconia Tab A1-830 Android Tablet ? 7.9? Touchscreen 1GB RAM Intel Dual Core 16GB Storage (A1-830-1633)
Price : $172.80 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Acer America
Merchant : Newegg.com
Product ID : e482644212a7bfe71795f9be63545476
Rating :
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Acer Iconia Tab A1-830 Android Tablet ? 7.9? Touchscreen 1GB RAM Intel Dual Core 16GB Storage (A1-830-1633) Description
Acer Iconia Tab A1-830 Android Tablet ? 7.9? Touchscreen 1GB RAM Intel Dual Core 16GB Storage (A1-830-1633) GPU/VPU: PowerVR SGX544MP2 Part#: NT.L3WAA.001 Color: Silver CPU Speed: Z2560 (1.60GHz) Number of Cores: Dual-core Processor CPU L2 Cache: 1MB LCD Features: IPS LCD with LED-backlight with integrated 5-point capacitive touch screen, supporting finger touch and image auto rotation (4:3 aspect ratio) Wide viewing angle (up to 178 degree) Resolution: 1024 x 768
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