Black Friday Deals 2014 AML M7220

AML M7220 offered for sale currently, absolutely have a look at current prices comparison along with shipping readily available for get you the great offer.

AML M7220

Hot Offer AML M7220
Price : $1230.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : American Microsystems
Merchant : Howard Store
Product ID : a00d5fef1932a7ca0de96328b079e6da
Rating :

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AML M7220

AML M7220 Description

AML M7220 - Data collection terminal - Linux 2.6.16 monochrome (160 x 160) - barcode reader - Wi-Fi

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This Item Available from 1 Store

Image Item Price
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AML M7220
Merchant : Howard Store
price as of : 2014-11-09