Black Friday Deals 2014 Galaxy Nx 20.3mp Camera (Body Only) EKGN120ZKZXAR Review
With this Galaxy Nx 20.3mp Camera (Body Only) EKGN120ZKZXAR you just recently begin to see the amazing benefits that contend with you demand, strongly suggested it's actually a good product for value. Hot Deal Galaxy Nx 20.3mp Camera (Body Only) EKGN120ZKZXAR
Price : $1217.00 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Samsung
Merchant : CompSource
Product ID : 155d24710c26f2601bcf39a37beeffda
Rating :
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Galaxy Nx 20.3mp Camera (Body Only) EKGN120ZKZXAR Description
Samsung Galaxy Ek-Gn120 20.3 Megapixel Mirrorless Camera (Body Only) - Black - 4.8 Touchscreen Lcd - Optical (Is) - 5472 X 3648 Image - 1920 X 1080 Video - Hdmi - Hd Movie Mode"
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