Black Friday 2014 Kensington Folio SecureBack Protective Folio - Protective case for tablet - black - for Apple iPad (3rd generation) Don't Miss
With the Kensington Folio SecureBack Protective Folio - Protective case for tablet - black - for Apple iPad (3rd generation) you primarily begin to see amazing benefits which usually fulfill you need, suggested it is a good product for value. Hot Offer Kensington Folio SecureBack Protective Folio - Protective case for tablet - black - for Apple iPad (3rd generation)
Price : $41.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Kensington
Merchant : Walmart
Product ID : a87353622e0ac91bad201ec6c5f20412
Rating :
In the event that you are usually searching to getting product with a beneficial quality along with a reasonable offer. We extremely suggested Kensington Folio SecureBack Protective Folio - Protective case for tablet - black - for Apple iPad (3rd generation) is just one of premium and additional popular product product that you are trying to find. Even if you research it meticulously regarding item information, features and handy customer assessments, naturally you should not reject to purchase it one. You could inspect the existing price from the web link here.
Kensington Folio SecureBack Protective Folio - Protective case for tablet - black - for Apple iPad (3rd generation) Description
With the Folio SecureBack Protection Case for iPad youll have a stylish folio case to help carry and protect your iPad while on the go. This case also doubles as a two-position stand and includes a ClickSafe Security Anchor to make security a snap (ClickSafe Lock sold separately) . Specifications General Color: Black Carrying Case Type: Protective case Recommended Use: For tablet Features: Scratch-proof, integrated stand, transformable into a stand for typing or viewing video Compatibility Information Designed For: Apple iPad (3rd generation)
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Kensington Folio SecureBack Protective Folio - Protective case for tablet - black - for Apple iPad (3rd generation)
Merchant : Walmart |
$41.99 |