2014 Black Friday Deals Lenmar CAD31AM2 4' Apple 30-Pin and 1A Micro USB Car Charger for Apple iPod/iPhone/iPad Right Now
Lenmar CAD31AM2 4' Apple 30-Pin and 1A Micro USB Car Charger for Apple iPod/iPhone/iPad is really high-quality on exactly what it actually does. Help you save time and money via actually buy at highly regarded online merchants.
Price : $25.61 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Lenmar
Merchant : Walmart
Product ID : 99aa69fb90f6216b59d9f0ce4e4fd0a7
Rating :
If you are likely thinking about to getting product with an amazing quality as well as a practical budget plan. We highly suggested this Lenmar CAD31AM2 4' Apple 30-Pin and 1A Micro USB Car Charger for Apple iPod/iPhone/iPad is just one of top high quality and more popular product product that you are looking for. Also if you study it carefully regarding item specification, functions and helpful customer assessments, naturally you must not reject to acquire it one. You can check the existing price from the hyperlink under here.
![Lenmar CAD31AM2 4' Apple 30-Pin and 1A Micro USB Car Charger for Apple iPod/iPhone/iPad](http://i61.tinypic.com/33lzi81.png)
Lenmar CAD31AM2 4' Apple 30-Pin and 1A Micro USB Car Charger for Apple iPod/iPhone/iPad Description
Say goodbye to dead batteries while you're on the road with the help of this Lenmar CAD31AM2 4' Apple and 1A Micro USB Car Charger. Compatible with all Apple iPad/iPhone/iPod devices with a 30-pin dock connector, it features a 3.1A (5V) 30-pin connector cable and a 1A micro USB cable. With its ample 4' cord, it's easy to keep one of your devices charged while traveling. The Lenmar car charger for Apple iPod/iPhone/iPad will keep you connected when you most need to be. Its durably construction wi
Along with one of the most useful details you should perform just before you determine to purchase Lenmar CAD31AM2 4' Apple 30-Pin and 1A Micro USB Car Charger for Apple iPod/iPhone/iPad is to research consumer reviews in regard to this item coming from authentic customers. To find information about how they have a comment on this product, just what is their pleased and not fulfilled on this item. In this way you are going to know that are you need to have this item truly, Every one of that is necessary information that you ought to not forget.
This Item Available from 1 Store
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Lenmar CAD31AM2 4' Apple 30-Pin and 1A Micro USB Car Charger for Apple iPod/iPhone/iPad
Merchant : Walmart |
$25.61 | ![]() |