Black Friday Sale OFM 821 Interplay Series Tablet Chair Don't Miss
With the OFM 821 Interplay Series Tablet Chair you only just look at the benefits that contend with you might want, strongly suggested it is a good product for value. Hot Offer OFM 821 Interplay Series Tablet Chair
Price : $415.22 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : OFM
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Product ID : c1dc81001aae949019d2b9170dec1661
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The product elements are outstanding and loaded with excellent of OFM 821 Interplay Series Tablet Chair is the huge factor that takes it among the product you shall really get possessed. Increased, it is also friendly budget to your pockets too. You can find the full item explanation and look at awesome deals that have really been improved through the shop via click the hyperlink here. You could search for the stimulating deal and you can not refute it, desire you get the very good offer.
OFM 821 Interplay Series Tablet Chair Description
Ideal for reception or corporate learning environments, the Interplay 821 tablet chair offers a swivel tablet that allows for ease of use for writing or as a side table complement. This chair has four lockable casters, antimicrobial and antibacterial polyurethane seat and a built in handle for ease of movement. Color: Nickel back with black seat- bronze/tungsten tablet, Plum with taupe seat- bronze/tungsten tablet, Black back and seat- bronze/tungsten tablet, Taupe back and seat-bronze/tungsten tabletMaterials: Fabric, polyurethane, wood, metal, foamDimensions: 29 inches depth x 33 inches wide x 34 inches highNumber of shelves: One (1) tabletWeight limit: 500 poundsANSI/BIFMA approved>Model: 821
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OFM 821 Interplay Series Tablet Chair
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$415.22 |