Black Friday Sales 2014 Tiffany Office Furniture TIF1010PCANTFLK Presentation Stand
With Tiffany Office Furniture TIF1010PCANTFLK Presentation Stand you primarily are aware of the extra benefits that will get in touch with you demand, is recommended it is usually a good product for value. Hot Offer Tiffany Office Furniture TIF1010PCANTFLK Presentation Stand
Price : $363.86 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Tiffany Office Furniture
Merchant :
Product ID : e17087974530130730a31f674643e3a1
Rating :
When you are usually taking into consideration to shopping for product with an excellent quality including an affordable offer. We very recommended this Tiffany Office Furniture TIF1010PCANTFLK Presentation Stand is one of premium and even more preferred item product that you are seeking. Also if you study it thoroughly regarding product specification, functions and valuable customer overviews, obviously you must not reject to acquire it one. You can examine the current price from the hyperlink below.
Tiffany Office Furniture TIF1010PCANTFLK Presentation Stand Description
Designed for laptop computers, overhead and/or LCD projectors, this presentation stand offers reversible shelves and casters for easy mobility (two locking) . Top surface is 38-1/2" high, providing a comfortable position for standing presentations. Front surface supporting projectors is adjustable to three positions in 4" increments. Fixed secondary shelf holds additional equipment. Perfect for stand-up presentations. Rugged steel frame construction with perforated leg detail. All threaded, metal-to-metal connections.
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Tiffany Office Furniture TIF1010PCANTFLK Presentation Stand
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$363.86 |