Black Friday Deals 2014 Tripp Lite SRSHELF4PSLHD Rack Shelf
General this Tripp Lite SRSHELF4PSLHD Rack Shelf is extremely well produced, works wonderfully, I understandably think the decide to purchase is really worth extra money. Hot Deal Tripp Lite SRSHELF4PSLHD Rack Shelf
Price : $484.20 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Tripp Lite
Merchant : Office Depot
Product ID : 44c10ae9c4a1142a9e597860d67a8a54
Rating :
In case that you are really searching to purchasing product at an excellent quality and also an acceptable deal. We strongly advised this Tripp Lite SRSHELF4PSLHD Rack Shelf is among high quality and more well-liked product item that you are trying to find. Also if you learn it carefully regarding item description, features and useful customer reviews, naturally you should not decline to get it one. You can take a look at the up to date price from the hyperlink under here.
Tripp Lite SRSHELF4PSLHD Rack Shelf Description
Tripp Lite's SmartRack SRSHELF4PSLHD is a heavy duty sliding shelf for installation in rack cabinets. The SRSHELF4PSLHD has a 28.5 in. / 72.4cm depth (29.5 in. / 74.9cm including handle) and can support up to 200lbs. This fully extendible shelf can accommodate tower units, monitors and other equipment. It is designed for 4 post rack mounting and the required mounting hardware is included. Expandable mounting rails supports installation in racks with front to rear rail distances between 28 in. / 71cm minimum and 46 in. / 117cm maximum.Package Contents:; SRSHELF4PSLHD Rack Shelf; Mounting Hardware; Shelf Tripp Lite SRSHELF4PSLHD Rack Shelf is one of many Server Racks/Mounts available through Office Depot. Made by Tripp Lite.
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