Black Friday Sales 2014 Zotac ZBOX nano ZBOXNANO-ID61-PLUS-U Nettop Computer - Intel Celeron 867 1.30 GHz Instantly
Zotac ZBOX nano ZBOXNANO-ID61-PLUS-U Nettop Computer - Intel Celeron 867 1.30 GHz is seriously an amazing products with a great selling price, worth every penny. Really happy. Hot Deal Zotac ZBOX nano ZBOXNANO-ID61-PLUS-U Nettop Computer - Intel Celeron 867 1.30 GHz
Price : $301.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Zotac
Merchant : Office Depot
Product ID : fc4c7945d7393a8f554c204048e036dc
Rating :
If you are actually looking to purchasing product with an amazing high quality as well as an affordable spending plan. We extremely suggested Zotac ZBOX nano ZBOXNANO-ID61-PLUS-U Nettop Computer - Intel Celeron 867 1.30 GHz is among premium and more popular product product that you are seeking. Also if you examine it very carefully concerning item information, functions and handy consumer comments, of program you should not decline to buy it one. You could take a look at the latest price via the hyperlink under here.
Zotac ZBOX nano ZBOXNANO-ID61-PLUS-U Nettop Computer - Intel Celeron 867 1.30 GHz Description
Experience the power of Intel's Sandy Bridge architecture in a compact form factor with the ZOTAC ZBOX nano ID61 Plus mini-PC. Powered by an Intel Celeron Processor 867, the ZOTAC ZBOX nano ID61 Plus takes CPU performance to the next level with desktop-class processing power that sips miniscule amounts of energy.Package Contents:; ZBOXNANO-ID61-PLUS-U Nettop Computer; 1 x Power Brick Cable; 1 x VESA Monitor Mount (w/4 Screws) ; 1 x MCE Compatible Remote w/ 2 CR2032 Batteries; 1 x USB IR Receiver; 1 x WiFi Antenna Zotac ZBOX nano ZBOXNANO-ID61-PLUS-U Nettop Computer - Intel Celeron 867 1.30 GHz is one of many available through Office Depot. Made by Zotac.
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